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How to see the secret sections of Netflix WITHOUT typing in codes: Chrome plugin allows ‘super browsing’

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Now, a Google Chrome extension has made the browsing process much easier.

The ‘Netflix Super Browse’, extension is available in beta versions on Chrome and Firefox, and has thousands of the hidden categories compiled into one menu.

netflix super browse

After installing the extension, your account on the Netflix website will reveal an additional menu called ‘Super Browse,’ according to Windows Clan.

Hovering over it will pull up the thousands of secret genres that previously required a user to manually enter specific codes to access.

The unofficial extension can be downloaded from the Chrome Store and Mozilla Add-ons, but is still in the beta phase, so there may be bugs.

Super Browse will only work on Chrome and Firefox, and may be limited depending on your geographical location.

Before the plug-in, looking through these hidden genres would require a painstaking amount of work.

When browsing in Netflix, clicking on a particular genre will pull up a URL like this: www.netflix.com/browse/genre/6839.

Each of the genres are categorized numerically, so the ‘6839’ at the end of this URL can be changed to switch between them.

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