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​Did You Know The Movies Hire “Rape Choreographers”?

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Unfortunately, sexual violence is very much a part of our current film and television landscape. Every sexual assault scene comes with its own questions and controversies — is this scene necessary to the show or movie’s plot? Does this scene positively advance conversations about sexual violence? Or is rape just used as a plot device? Now when you think about these scenes, you can add another question to your list — who coordinated this?

The latest episode of Jezebel’s DirtCast dives into the complicated world of coordinating rape scenes in TV and movies, and it’s fascinating

some of the best stunt jobs in Hollywood still primarily go to men. As a result, the emotionally taxing but necessary job of coordinating rape scenes for film and television has largely fallen onto women. In “What Is a ‘Rape Choreographer?’” hosts Davies and Kate Dries interview April Wolfe, LA Weekly’s lead film critic. Earlier this month, Wolfe wrote an incredible and well-researched piece about this cottage industry in the world of stunt coordinators.

So what does it take to be a good rape choreographer? According to both Wolfe’s original piece and her interview on DirtCast, it all comes down to communication. The more prepared the two actors are, the less chance there is for potentially traumatizing mistakes to occur. Both the article and the podcast episode look into a disturbing but necessary world that is largely overlooked by both viewers and critics. Depictions of rape on screen are always worth discussing, but this has been especially been the case in recent years. Shows like Game of Thrones have been criticized for their use of sexual assault, and it was recently revealed that the infamous butter scene in Last Tango in Paris wasn’t as consensual as everyone originally thought. These scenes are important, but it’s equally important that they’re scripted in such a way that they cause a minimal amount of emotional damage for the actors involved.

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